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Avtomatizacija ventilov

Imejte svoj ventil pod nadzorom

Industrijski ventili nadzorujejo in uravnavajo pretok plinov, pare ali tekočin v cevovodih. Po potrebi ventili tudi zaprejo pretok.

Da bi vse to naredili samodejno, industrijski ventili potrebujejo naslednje tri komponente:

  • Aktuator
  • Dovod komprimiranega zraka
  • Pozicioner

Izvedite več o naših posebnih rešitvah za te tri komponente.


Use it to keep an automatic valve open at a specified position, according to an input signal.


Highlighted Products

Lock-up valve

To keep the actuator at last position in case of air supply failure.

Lock-up valve

Highlighted Products

Booster relay

An ideal solution to increase the operating speed of an actuator. Primarily to be used combined with a positioner.

Booster relay

Highlighted Products

Filter regulators

To be fitted normally with a pressure regulator and filter. Altogether they control the pressure and ensure the right air quality.

Filter regulators

Highlighted Products

Morda vas zanima tudi

Ojačevalci pnevmatskega signala

Zaporni ventil

Filter regulatorji


Elektromagnetni ventili